family oriented, members only club with events open to the public

What’s New for the New Year!

Happy 2023, fellow CCCRP members! I hope your new year has begun well. Maybe your new year resolutions are on track or that your resolution was to not have any resolutions. There were changes in the Bylaws and Standing Rules that took effect January 1 of this new year. The first is that the “printed” … Read more

family oriented, members only club with events open to the public

Notification of By-laws Changes Requiring A Membership Vote

Notification of By-laws Changes Requiring A Membership Vote Good day fellow CCRP club members! There are a couple of changes to the Club’s By- laws to be voted on during the Board of Directors and annual Members meeting on December 29, 2022. The meeting begins at 1900 hours. To change CCRP ByLaws a membership vote … Read more

family oriented, members only club with events open to the public

Notice to members regarding proposed increase in membership dues

PROPOSED INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP DUES Club members; A recommendation to increase our membership dues has been made to the board. Some of us can remember that our dues of $70 per year have remained at that lever for approximately twenty years. In this day of rising costs for everything, mainly due to inflation, it can … Read more

family oriented, members only club with events open to the public

Standards of Behavior and Disciplinary Actions

The Capitol City Rifle & Pistol Club Board of Directors recently acted to expel a member from the club due to a confrontational incident. The Executive Committee of the Board conducted a thorough review of the incident and determined the appropriate course of action through a unanimous vote. That course of action was upheld through … Read more

family oriented, members only club with events open to the public

NRA Membership and CCRP Membership

As I’m sure you are all aware, membership in the Capitol City Rifle and Pistol club requires a current, unexpired membership in the NRA. As part of the conditions set by the NRA for backing our club insurance (which greatly keeps the cost down), the NRA requires that 100% of the club members be NRA … Read more

family oriented, members only club with events open to the public

Notice of Amendment to Club Bylaws

Published Notice of an Amendment to the Club Bylaws This notice will be published for three months in the Plinker and on the club website in accordance with CCRP Bylaws. A vote by the full Board of Directors will follow at the first meeting after the three months. A clarification is needed in paragraph G … Read more