Notification of By-laws Changes Requiring A Membership Vote
Good day fellow CCRP club members! There are a couple of changes to the Club’s By-
laws to be voted on during the Board of Directors and annual Members meeting on December
29, 2022. The meeting begins at 1900 hours. To change CCRP ByLaws a membership vote is
needed to adopt the revision(s). As per the Bylaws YOU MUST BE PRESENT, IN PERSON,
TO VOTE. You may not proxy vote for others. Ballots will ONLY be available on site just prior
to the vote. A majority AYE vote will put the new Bylaws in force on 01 January 2023. A
majority NAY vote, of course, will reject the change(s).
The first item concerns the printed version of the Plinker. Fewer than 7% of the
membership still opts to receive a printed Plinker by mail. However, the costs of printing,
labeling, and postage are much higher now and there is a high waste of the printed Plinkers as we
have to purchase more that are mailed. There rest end up in the trash or as fire starter at the
Indoor Range. The proposed change is as follows:
The Plinker, and thus “official club communications,” will be 100% electronic, available
on the website, and will no longer printed.
The next item on the agenda concerns the requirement for NRA membership by the
Club’s members to be a member of CCRP. In the past, the club’s insurance was “backed” by the
NRA, which reduced the annual cost considerably. I learned last year that requirement was no
longer in effect but was unable to get it in writing until a couple of months ago. Please,
understand that we support organizations that defend the 2 nd Amendment and, thus, all of our
Rights. We encourage and recommend each member to support such 2A organizations whether it
is the NRA or any or the others. The proposed change is as follows:
The requirement of NRA membership to qualify for CCRP membership is to be removed.
The CCRP Board welcomes membership participation, and invites all to our monthlyBoard meetings, held the third Tuesday of each month at 1900 hours, in the main clubhouse. We,
the Board of Directors, look forward to seeing you there.
Chris Moffet, President, CCRP