Would you like to have greater input into Club operations? The club is looking for volunteers and leaders! General elections will be held at the December Board of Directors meeting. Read more…

Our club lies 1.5 miles South of Littlerock, WA, 12 miles Southwest of Olympia, on 140 acres of rolling, timber covered terrain overlooking the beautiful Black River valley and the Black Hills.
We are a family oriented club with private membership and are dedicated to our 2nd Amendment rights. Youth programs are important to us and receive our strong support.
An automated gate accessed by a member’s electronic key card controls entrance. The gate is open when any scheduled event is underway or when New Member Orientation (NMO) classes are slated.
Each of the seven ranges has a full schedule of events. These include:
- Hunter safety training and bow hunter education
- Rain-Dee-Voo (fur trade era historical re-enactors’ gathering with rifle, archery, knife and tomahawk events and trade fair) hosted by the Puget Sound Free Trappers
- High school league, senior, Scout, and student events
- Hunter sight-ins and Old Soldier matches
- Cowboy Action events hosted by the Black River Regulators, including their annual Little Big Match
- Archery tournaments including the Woolly Booger and Capitol City Bowmen 100 or Rinehart 100 3D shoots

For scheduled events, camping is available for self-contained RVs and primitive tents. There are no hookups. Each event will supply details.
CCRP operates on a volunteer basis without paid range staff. Basic range safety practices are required. Each member is expected to take ownership and be responsible for the conduct of their family members or guests on club premises.
We encourage membership by those of good character, not prohibited from owning firearms, and sharing in the goals and aims of the club.
Please read the Bylaws and the Standing Rules.