Important! Please read the Range Rules | Contact the Range Director |
The Blackpowder range is oriented towards shooting of muzzleloaders (rifles, pistols and shotguns, up to .85 caliber (10 gage)) Rim fire arms up to .22 magnum are also permitted. No center fire arms are allowed for general member use. This range is 100 yards long and has a fixed firing line at the front of the range shelter. Target supports are present at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards, consisted of fence mesh supported on posts. Each range support also has one or more metal gong supports with varying types of response targets. Shooters are requested to place targets only on the mesh and it works best to use a target backer, like a piece of cardboard. Some clothespins are available but best bring your own. A number of portable shooting benches are in the range shelter.
The blackpowder, muzzleloading group, the Puget Sound Free Trappers, holds monthly shoots
October thru May on the first Saturday starting at 9 AM with shooting starting at 10 AM.These combine paper and response targets and vary in types of guns and configuration.
Novelty type matches are also included. In keeping with the tradition of fur-trade era, matches are for
traditional, side-lock arms and fur-trade era period dress is encouraged and awarded extra point credit.
Monthly shoot fee is $10.00.
Shooting prizes are awarded for each month, usually grub-type, non-vegetarian items.
Membership in the Free Trappers is gained by showing up for a match and getting your name on the Booshway’s contact list. The range is also used by the Small bore bench rest shooters for the IBR 50/50 program. The Puget Sound Free Trappers hold their annual event, The Rain Dee Voo on President’s Day Weekend, in February. This involves shooting on the Blackpowder Trail range, rather than the permanent range Its competition includes Rifle, Pistol and Trade gun as well as Knife and ‘Hawk. There is also a Trader’s Fair in the Club house featuring vendors dealing in period (fur trade era) clothing and equipment. A detailed flyer for each year is available.
Range Activities
- Rain-dee-voo
- Boy scouts Spring hunt
- Puget sound free trappers
- Old west cartridge match